Thursday, August 25, 2005

Seven Months!

Our little man is now seven months old!

Liam is getting better at sitting everyday - that is if I can get him to practice! He really doesn't have much interest in sitting as he would rather be rolling all over the place. If I can keep him entertained enough, he can sit up on his own (and properly, no more tripod!) for 2-3 minutes. I'm hoping he'll have sitting down pat in the next few weeks. Liam is also starting to make some progress towards crawling. The past few days he has started getting up on his hands and knees. He doesn't get all the way up yet - it looks like he is trying to do a push-up from his knees - but I'm sure he'll get those knees all the way under his butt any day now. Now that he doesn't just bury his face in the floor when he gets on his knees he is getting some movement, but it is slow and mostly backwards! Of course he is still enjoying the good ol' Jumperoo - he'll jump over an hour if we'll let him. Last but not least, he is starting to take an interest in standing. He used to not care, and would just let his legs go limp if you tried to stand him up. Now there are times when he refuses to bend at the waist when you try to sit him down!

This past month Liam has really started to babble. He's becoming a real talkative little guy, saying ba-ba-ba and da-da-da all over the place. However, blowing raspberries is still his favourite. There are lots of times that he blows so many raspberries that there is a foam around his mouth and he looks like he has rabies.

Liam continues to be a great eater. We've introduced some of the baby meats, although he doesn't seem to like them much. He's also been trying some new things like yogourt (so-so) and cottage cheese (absolutely loves it!). I've started to give him finger foods like cheerios and grated cheese. He doesn't quite have the pincer grasp down yet, but he manages to fist the food and get it to his mouth. He still wants to eat whatever we have on our plates so we have started giving him more table food. He seems to like it more than the baby food so maybe we won't have to buy that for much longer!

Finally, finally, Liam is starting to become a better sleeper. He now has more good nights than bad, and on a good night just wakes up twice to eat. He also has started taking longer naps - thank goodness! He still isn't consistent, but he now takes as many long naps as he does short ones. Could this be the beginning of the end of the sleep-deprived Mommy?

1 comment:

Miss X said...

He is getting so big! Great pictures!