Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Lily!!!

As of 12:56pm, our baby girl is officially one!! Where has the time gone? It is amazing how much she has learned and accomplished in such a short period of time.

Lily is just a whirlwind of activity! She crawls everywhere, climbs anything, and gets into everything she can get her hands on. She gets into much more trouble than her brother did at this age. Her favourite toy is her (or Liam's) flip couch - she just loves to climb all over it!
She is starting to walk and is really quite steady, but just doesn't have the desire to do it on her own just yet. If you fool her into thinking you have a hold of her she will easily walk at least half the length of the hallway, but as soon as she knows you have let go she plops back down on her bum. She will take short trips from the coffee table to the couch on her own, so I'm sure she will be walking all over in no time!

I think Lily is going to be a chatterbox just like her Mommy and her brother. She has quite a few words already: Dad, Mom, shoes, souce, hat, ball, baby, milk, poop, and of course nnnnnnNA! (no) She also makes a blech! noise for things that taste yucky, says Mmmm when she eats, makes kissing noises, and knows how to sing along to the kids show Poko! (For those of you that don't know, the opening credits go Puh-puh-puh-Poko! Lily goes Puh -puh-puh-papa! She will even start saying it if she just sees a picture of Poko - it is too cute!) She also says "Knock-knock!" as a result of Liam's recent obsession with knock-knock jokes!
Lily is a champion eater - again, just like her big brother. She is completely on table foods now as she has wanted nothing to do with baby foods for quite some time. Her favourite foods are corn, cheese, and noodles with tomato sauce. She is a little mooch too - she wants anything that someone else has!

Our little princess sure has come a long way, and I can't wait to see what the next year brings. Happy birthday baby girl!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Lily! You sure have grown up lots this year, and will no doubt be just as busy as Liam. We can't wait to see you again, I'm sure you and Emily will have fun playing together now! Love you.
Love, Auntie Gillian & Emily